# Contributte / forms-bootstrap

# Examples

See example here (opens new window)

# Features

# Installation

The best way is via composer:

composer require contributte/forms-bootstrap

Note that if you simply clone the main branch from this repo, it is not guaranteed to work, use releases instead

# Requirements

  • Works with Nette\Application\UI\Form, not Nette\Forms\Form, so you need the whole Nette framework.
  • PHP 7.1+
  • Client-side bootstrap 4 stylesheets and JS (obviously)

# Compatibility

This package is compatible with any version of Bootstrap 4 and 5

# How to use

# Form

Probably the main class you will be using is Contributte\FormsBootstrap\BootstrapForm. It has all the features of this library pre-configured and extends Nette\Application\UI\Form functionality by:

  • Only accepts Contributte\FormsBootstrap\BootstrapRenderer or its children (which is default)
  • Built-in AJAX support (adds ajax class upon rendering) via ajax(bool) property
  • Has direct access to render mode property of renderer (property renderMode)
  • All add* methods are overridden by bootstrap-enabled controls
$form = new BootstrapForm;
$form->renderMode = RenderMode::VERTICAL_MODE;

It will behave pretty much the same as the default Nette form, with the exception of not grouping buttons. That feature would only add unnecessary and deceiving overhead to this library, use grid instead, it will give you much finer control

# Render modes

  1. Vertical (Enums\RenderMode::VERTICAL_MODE) all controls are below their labels
  2. Side-by-side (Enums\RenderMode::SIDE_BY_SIDE_MODE) controls have their labels on the left. It is made up using Bootstrap grid (opens new window). The default layout is 3 columns for labels and 9 for controls. This can be altered using BootstrapRenderer::setColumns($label, $input).
  3. Inline Enums\RenderMode::INLINE all controls and labels will be in one enormous line

# Bootstrap versions support

  1. ^4 (Enums\BootstrapVersion::V4) version 4 mode (default)
  2. ^5 (Enums\BootstrapVersion::V5) version 5 mode
$form = new BootstrapForm;

# Controls / inputs

Each default control has has been extended bootstrap-enabled controls and will render itself correctly even without the renderer. You can distinguish them easily - they all have Input suffix.

# TextInput

TextInput can have placeholder set ($input->setPlaceholder($val)). All text-based inputs (except for TextArea) inherit from this control.

# DateTimeInput

Its format can be set ($input->setFormat($str)), the default is d.m.yyyy h:mm (though you must specify it in standard PHP format!).

You may use DateTimeFormats class constants as a list of pretty much all formats:


is the default format for Date and

DateTimeFormat::D_DMY_DOTS_NO_LEAD . ' ' . DateTimeFormat::T_24_NO_LEAD

is the default format for DateTime. You can also change this globally with

DateInput::$defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat::D_DMY_DOTS_NO_LEAD;
DateTimeInput::$defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat::D_DMY_DOTS_NO_LEAD . ' ' . DateTimeFormat::T_24_NO_LEAD;

if U want to add html classes for those element so it's easy to connect it with any javascript date(time) picker use

DateInput::$additionalHtmlClasses = 'datepicker';
DateTimeInput:$additionalHtmlClasses = 'datetimepicker';

See PhpDoc for further explanation.

# UploadInput

Nothing out of ordinary, but it Needs <html lang="xx"> attribute to work.

Has property buttonCaption, which sets the text on the button on the left. The right button is set by Bootstrap CSS (opens new window), which depends <html lang="xx">.

# Renderer

The renderer is enhanced by the following API:

property type meaning
mode int constant see render mode above in form section
gridBreakPoint string / null Bootstrap grid breakpoint for side-by-side view. Default is 'sm'
groupHidden bool if true, hidden fields will be grouped at the end. If false, hidden fields are placed where they were added. Default is true.

# Grid

The library provides a way to programmatically place controls into Bootstrap grid and thus greatly reduces the need for manual rendering.

Simply add a new row like this:

$row = $form->addRow();
	->addText('firstname', 'First name');
	->addText('surname', 'Surname');

And firstname and surname will be beside each other.

# Notes

  • By calling getElementPrototype() on row or cell, you can influence the elements of row / cell
  • A cell can only hold one control (or none)
  • You are not limited to numerical column specification. Also check out \Contributte\FormsBootstrap\Grid\BootstrapCell::COLUMNS_NONE and \Contributte\FormsBootstrap\Grid\BootstrapCell::COLUMNS_AUTO

Why do we use manual rendering? Mostly to just rearrange the inputs, we rarely create a completely different feel. But there is a hefty price for using manual rendering - we have to do almost everything ourselves, even the things the renderer could do for us. Only if there were a way to let the renderer do most of the work...

# What can it do

Assisted manual rendering will render label-input pairs for you using a filter. This means that it will take care of wrapping things into div.form-group and validation messages - the most mundane thing to implement in a template.

# Implementation

First of all, you must implement this yourself, this won't work out of the box! The implementation is quite dirty, but I think the benefits outweigh this cost.

It works like this:

# 1. Implement a filter

add a new filter to your latte engine, for example:

$this->template->addFilter('formPair', function ($control) {
	/** @var BootstrapRenderer $renderer */
	$renderer = $control->form->renderer;

	return $renderer->renderPair($control);

# 2. Use it


That will result in

<div class="form-group row">
    <label for="frm-form-firstname" class="col-sm-3">First name</label>

    <div class="col-sm-9">
        <input type="text" name="firstname" id="frm-form-firstname" class="form-control">